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REISBEELDEN videografie & fotografie THAILAND

Jaicee Elbertse

Freelance video and photographer for events, promotion and social media.

On Sunday 7 July I leave for Thailand for a month with my film equipment.

I can offer the following images at competitive prices:

- Video/photos Bangkok and surroundings.
- Video/photos hotspots Bangkok.
- Video/photos activities in Bangkok.
- Video/photos of your own product in Bangkok (clothing/physical object).

- Video/photos Ko Samui and surrounding islands and beaches.
- Video/photos hotspots islands.
- Video/photos activities islands.
- Video/photos of your own product on an island/beach/nature (clothing/physical object.
- Video/photos of nature.

For video/photos of your own product, please contact us for a short departure date.

Contact us by mail to: [email protected]

If you would like to have other types of video or photo images, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Showreel 2018:

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Bericht geplaatst door: Jaicee Elbertse
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Op: 03-07-2019 / 1969 x bekeken
Categorie: Bedrijven , Marktconforme betaling/vergoeding , Onkostenvergoeding (bv reisvergoeding)
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