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my companies


Corporate film, Documentary, ENG / TV reports, Television

Saskia Adriaens

keywords: journalist, program maker, director

'Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating.' I have been working as a journalist and program maker for 12 years. I have experience in making longer background reports at home and abroad as well as in shorter portraits and stories. I either go out with an ENG team or as a camera journalist. My stories are often appropriate to current events, but I also like to make 'my own stories'. I prefer to look for the smaller pearls that symbolize a larger story. My strength is to turn complex subjects into accessible and visually strong stories.


showreel In het kort een impressie van mijn werk



For Always Wat and Network I made several longer reports. Like a broadcast-filling report about Haiti a few months after the earthquake. It can be found on my website. Another long report that I am very proud of is the report I made in Egypt in June 2013 about the Arab women and the revolution. It can also be found on my site. In addition to longer stories, I also like to make short portraits.
vraag mij voor
Voor maatschappelijk relevante projecten.
Voor buitenlandproducties.
Verhalen over vrouwenrechten, jongeren en duurzaamheid.
Audiovisuele producties
Journalistieke reportages
Docent journalistiek of itemregie
I am mainly interested in creating cartoons that tell a bigger story. Stories that matter, that are socially relevant. So to denounce something or bring it to the attention of a wider audience. My strength is to make complex stories accessible and visual.