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Corporate film, Documentary, Internet film, Feature film

Martijn van Veen

keywords: filmmaker, videographer

38 year old filmmaker / videographer / editor with broad experience with various types of productions in the AV sector (documentary, afterfilms, commercial shoots, fiction film, reportage)


Taxi Stories 2014 drama / 90 min. / Avelon / Doris Yeung
camera / editing / script editor
Red Lights 2013 drama / 13 min. / Avelon / Doris Yeung
camera / editing / script editor
Forever After 2013 drama / 12 min. / NFI PRODUCTIES / Charlotte Scott-Willson
editors assistent
One Billion Rising Commercial 2014 2014 commercial / 2 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
after effects / editing / idea development - comcepting
Gay Pride Campagne 2012 commercial /
idea development - comcepting
CinemAsia Filmlab 2014 documentaire / Paradox Productions
Week Zonder Geweld Short 2013 documentaire / 5 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
editing / idea development - comcepting
Made in Iran 2012 documentaire / Selfmade Films, Nelissen Film en Televisie Produkties, AVRO / Charlotte Scott-Wilson
editors assistent
Binnestebuiten 2011 documentaire / Universiteit van Amsterdam / Martijn van Veen
camera / editing / idea development - comcepting
CinemAsia 2014 trailer 2014 clip / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
camera / editing / idea development - comcepting
CinemAsia 2013 Trailer 2013 animatie / 3 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
after effects / editing / idea development - comcepting
CinemAsia 2012 Trailer 2012 animatie / 1 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
after effects / editing / idea development - comcepting
Amsterdam Gay Pride Trailer 2011 animatie / 4 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
after effects / camera / editing / idea development - comcepting
5 webshorts voor de Entente florale 2013 televisie / 5 min. / Paradox Productions / Martijn van Veen
camera / editing / idea development - comcepting


Background in shorts, reports, afterfilms, fiction film documentary AV productions.
vraag mij voor
Ik sta open voor AV producties zowel commercieel, documentaire als shorts. Hierbij vind ik het leuk om gehele producties te doorlopen als filmmaker/producer. Mijn kwaliteiten in het bijzonder liggen in vertalen van idee naar beeld, flexibiliteit, scherp zicht op montage en betrokken
As an editor I work quickly, I have an intuition for rhythm and strong knowledge of storytelling and narrative structure.
Sony FX3, Macbook Pro, Mac Studio edit set
hardware kennis
DSLR en Camera (Sony FX3, FS7, FX 6, FX100, GH5, Canon C100, C200, GH5)
software kennis
Premiere, Final Cut Pro, After Effects