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Man van het Geluid

keywords: soundman for recording, post and design with moving pictures

I'm a freelance Sound man with passion for the craft and target for high cinematic and content experience for sound and moving pictures. I work focused, fast and know how to adjust in difficult situations. Mud, cold, heat en square eyes do not interrupt me to handle sound in a professional way!
- 2010-04 ‘MAN’ / Short fiction – NFTA Mastergraduation / Dir: Lisette Olsthoorn / Prod: Iris Spapens / Design, Recording, dialoog editing.
- 2010-11 t/m 2011-01 ‘Making of’ / Feature film / Dir: Thijs Bayens / Prod: Jean Hellwig / Recordist and assistent.
- 2010-07/08/09 ‘Istanbul’ / Feature film / Dir: Ferenc Török/ Prod: László Kántor/ Co-prod: Petra Goedings, Phanta Vision / Recordist and assistent (Istanbul, Boedapest)
- 2010-01/02 ‘Van Weelden over Water’ / Docu-serie / Dir: Arjan van Engen / Prod: Constant van Panhuys, De Haaien / Recordings
- 2009-09/10 ‘Sweet Salty Lao’ / IDFA documentaire / Dir: Thijs Dikhoorn en Hélène Kocken / Prod: T&H films / Post sound

Look at my website ( for a complete list)


Dubbeleworststeeg 1
1016AT Amsterdam
tel: +31627032699



Animation, Documentary, Feature film, Experimental